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UKATA External Moderator - Recruiting

13/06/23, 08:15

UKATA External Moderator Job Description.


The External Moderator (EM) acts as a resource for UKATA, advising. liaising, interpreting and helping to uphold both HIPC and UKCP policies, and to maintain UKCP organisational membership.


It is a requirement that all HIPC Member Organisations (MOs) have an External Moderator (agreed by HIPS meeting May 1988). Organisations will include:

• Applicant Organisations

• Training Organisations

• Accrediting Organisations

• Training and Accrediting Organisations

External Moderators advise and assist MO’s to develop and maintain their training and accrediting processes, in respect of all HIPC policies and procedures and the implications of these on the training and membership of an organisation. They act as a resource for their MO’s, advising, liaising, interpreting and helping to uphold both HIPC and UKCP policies for the MO.

Because UKATA itself does not deliver training but coordinates the UKCP registration of students from a network of Registered Training Establishments (RTEs), it is recognised that UKATA and committees of UKATA, particularly the Training Accreditation and Standards Committee (TASC), may often play the role of moderating the work of RTEs. The UKATA EM supports this process.

To assist in understanding the functioning of the organisation they will receive copies of the Transactional Analyst magazine and copies of the AGM minutes.

Functions of UKATA External Moderator

1. Evaluate the RTE monitoring procedures within UKATA that ensure that RTEs are fulfilling the criteria of HIPC as published.

2. To be informed of, and assist where necessary any appeals to UKATA with regards the RTE network and UKCP registration. These could include, but are not limited to, procedures in cases of misconduct, discipline and grievance as well as appeals against academic decisions about marking, (for CTA written exam), grades awarded, academic processes etc, to ensure that these are in line with HIPC policies and procedures.

3. Write reports for the HIPC assessors for Quinquennial Reviews commenting on the structures and processes in place to ensure that HIPC requirements are met. They will meet any specific reporting requirements from TASC ahead of the QQR.

4. Evaluate the accreditation processes of RTEs and the process by which candidates become nominated for the UKCP register and that procedures for entry to the registers are being maintained.

5. They may also be called upon where necessary to advise and mediate in disputes between UKCP, HIPC and UKATA.

6. Attend meetings where necessary to fulfil their duties. It is anticipated that this committement extends to a quarterly meeting with the Chair of TASC and any relevant staff or volunteers of UKATA. It could include RTE Meetings and committee meetings. Additional meetings may be required before the Quinquennial Review (QQR). Any other visits will be negotiated between the external moderator and the relevant committees of UKATA. The EM will write an annual report for UKATA on their findings offering any recommendations and areas for development as well as identifying areas of good practice.

7. Be available to advise UKATA on documentation, regarding training issues, RTE Registration and monitoring processes, CPD, ethics, disciplinary, grievance and appeals procedures as they pertain to meeting UKCP requirements. They need to be familiar with all HIPC Assessment Board criteria and requirements. handbook, CPD, ethics and disciplinary matters as required.

Criteria for External Moderators

1. External Moderators would ideally be experienced psychotherapists within a member organisation of the HIPC. If UKATA chooses an External Moderator who is not a psychotherapist from within HIPC, then it is up to the organisation to demonstrate how they meet the requirements to perform the above roles. The minimum standard must be that they are a senior psychotherapist, familiar with most if not all aspects of psychotherapy training and the HIPC criteria for membership

2. External Moderators must not be connected to the MO. They must not be or have ever been directly associated with the organisation, either as a graduate, trainer or director. (agreed October 1995)

3. External Moderators should have no other involvement in the organisation other than that which is consistent with the role of moderator.

4. Current officers of the HIP College are ineligible for the role of External Moderator due to possible conflicts of interest.

5. The External Moderator may not also be the External Examiner for the same MO. (Agreed by HIPS July 2002). In UKATA’s case the Training Accreditation and Standards Committee acts as Exernal Examiner to the RTEs.

COMPETENCIES   (skills, knowledge, experience)


Communication   Skills (written and oral)


Presentation   Skills

Interpersonal   Skills

Accurate   and consistent record keeping

Problem   solving skills

Analytical   and Evaluative skills

Using   own Initiative

Time   management

Team   work


Diversity   Orientation


Familiarity   with UKCP HIPC regulatory standards


Working   knowledge of UKATA and EATA Awards provision and quality requirements

Understanding   of good practice in quality assurance in an psychotherapy environment


The post attracts a fee of £2000 plus reasonable travel expenses per annum. Invoices are to be submitted twice per annum in March and September. Claims for travelling expenses are to be submitted within one month of the expense occurring, using the UKATA Claim form.

Length of Contract

The contract is for a period of 4 years. Should either side wish to terminate the contract a notice period of 6 months is required.

Termination of the Contract

The contract for an External Moderator will be under review if the external moderator persistently fails to fulfil their obligation without good reason.

Failure to submit an annual report

The External Moderator is reminded on an annual basis that their report should be submitted by 31st July at the latest. The following steps will be taken in the case of non-receipt of a report:

1. The Chair of the Training Accreditation Standards Committee will send an initial reminder to the external moderator if the report is not received by 31 July with a second reminder two weeks later, if appropriate.

2. If the report is still outstanding by 31 August, the Chair of the Training Standards Committee will write to the EM to remind thrm of their contractual obligation to produce and submit a report.

3. If the report is not received by 30 September, the Chair of the Training Accreditation Standards Committee will refer the matter to the UKATA Council which will normally result in the following action:

4. The Chair of the Training Accreditation Standards Committee will send a follow up letter asking the EM to confirm whether they wish to continue in the role of external moderator. The letter will give a two-week deadline for response and will clearly state that, if no response is received, the UKATA will take this as confirmation that they do not feel able to continue in this role and will proceed with the appointment of a replacement external moderator.

Conflict of interest

To avoid potential conflicts of interest, external moderators will not be appointed if they:

a. are a member of UKATA or one of its collaborative partners;

b. are a near relative of a member of Council, Committee Chair or student involved with a programme of study within an RTE;

c. have already been appointed by the UKATA as an external moderator.

d. are closely associated with sponsorship of students, or provision of placement learning opportunities, for students on any RTE training programme;

e. are required to assess colleagues who are students in any RTE, or are in a position to influence significantly the future of such students;

f. have been significantly involved in recent or current substantive collaborative research activities with a member of UKATA Council, Committee Chair or a trainer closely involved in the delivery, management or assessment of the programme(s) of study within an RTE;

Should there be a material change in circumstances subsequent to appointment which might potentially compromise impartiality of judgement (which may be either notified directly by the external moderator or another committee Chair, the Chair of the Training Standards Committee will seek approval from the UKATA Council to write to the external concerned to terminate his/her appointment.

Other reason

The above is not intended to an exhaustive list of the circumstances in which an external moderator’s contract might be terminated. In the event of an external failing to fulfil his/her obligations in some other way the matter should be referred to the Chair of the Training Standards Accreditation Committee who will seek advice from the UKATA Council and approval, if appropriate, to write formally to the external concerned to terminate the appointment.

Closing Date: 19th July 2023

Questions and applications to be sent to:


General Enquiries -


UKATA Office
UK Association for Transactional Analysis
483 Green Lanes,
N13 4BS

Membership Enquiries -

Tel: 07769 256020

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