Useful Organisations and websites
Cultural Diversity Resources
https://www.baatn.org.uk (Black, African and Asian Therapy Network)
Home of the largest community of Counsellors and Psychotherapists of Black, African, Asian and Caribbean Heritage in the UKUK
Mothertongue is a culturally sensitive, professional counselling and listening service where people are heard with respect in their chosen language. The charity offers holistic support to people and professional development to staff and volunteers from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities.
This article explores the impact of Sikh faith on the therapeutic process.
Promotes diversity and inclusion within our membership, governance, psychotherapy research, training, and practice with a national and global perspective and offers training and continuing education to psychologists /psychotherapists.
A selection of presentations, resources and articles exploring how we work in a multicultural society.
A 2 minute video that could be used as an opening discussion on working in a multicultural society
The term intersectionality was coined in 1989 by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe how race, class, gender, and other individual characteristics “intersect” with one another and overlap.
Intersectionality resources
This comprehensive website contains free exercises and resources including video clips and handouts to support groups in exploring intersectionality.
Kimberlé Crenshaw’s original article, the history of intersectionality, introducing the concept of intersectionality.
What is intersectionality? – A three minute video that defines intersectionality and discusses how it affects our health and well-being.
What is intersectionality and why is it important – A 2.49 minute video exploring what intersectionality is and provides a framework for working inclusively.
Sexual Diversity Resources
Information for employers, employees, individuals and public services detailing what sexual orientation discrimination is.
Resources, videos, mentoring, counselling directory and training courses for therapists. Offers a wide range of information related to Gender, Sexual and Relationships Diversity.
An international charity that lobbies for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. It is the largest LGBTQ+ organisation in Europe. Offering information about a wide range of topics such as the law, terminology, services and community support in a person’s local area.
Youth website with helpful advice and information.
They provide support services, social events and develop resources so LGBT people can address the health issues that impact their lives and connect with their local communities. They address health inequalities with a wide range of partners to ensure LGBT people have access to quality healthcare that is inclusive of their needs.
A short video (4:33) detailing 10 different types of sexualities. Bisexuality, homosexuality, heterosexuality, pansexuality, polysexuality, asexuality, grey asexuality, demisexuality, adrosexuality, gynosexuality.
If the results of an assessment suggest gender dysphoria , staff at the GIC will work with individuals to come up with an personalised treatment plan.
Support for professionals working with LGBTQ clients
Disability Resources
Encompasses all anti-discrimination.
This site is accessible and tries to cover all MH areas. It has a good a-z handy guide to all things mental health.
If you are interested in history all the old dreadful terms are used in context.
UK disabled history month, interesting if disability is your interest.
The voice for and of disabled people, trustees include David Blunkett, Tanny Grey Thompson.
Together, we’re here to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus.
A selective list of charities, from which it may be possible for blind and partially sighted students to obtain financial assistance in addition to that available from statutory sources.
At Action on Hearing Loss we work with charitable trusts and foundations to break down the barriers faced by people who are deaf or have hearing loss.
Birkdale Trust for the Hearing Impaired Ltd. The Trust provides grants to children with a hearing impairment and organisations supporting deaf children. It will provide funding towards projects such as equipment for the hearing impaired, specialist tuition, professional advice and support for appeals.
A national charity offering specialist community-based and residential support for adults with acquired brain injury, complex physical or learning disabilities and for people with autism, including those in education.
Gender Diversity
Beattie, M and Lenihan,P. Counselling skills for Working with Gender Diversity and Identity (2018) Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Blake V. (2017) Vol 47 (4) Being With the Emergence of Transgendered Identity, TAJ
Richards, C., & Barker, M. J. (Eds.). (2015). The Palgrave handbook of the psychology of sexuality and gender. London: Palgrave-Macmillan
www.GIRES.org.uk (Gender Identity Research and Education Society).
www.path.org: 2012 The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Guidelines or Standards of care
Rowland H and Cornell B: (2021) Gender Identity, Queer Theory, and Working With the Sociopolitical in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Why There Is No Such Thing As Neutral, TAJ
Mermaids UK – Supporting gender-diverse and transgender children www.mermaidsuk.org.uk
www.switchboard.lgbt Support For Transgender People Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline Tel 0300 330 0630
www.transunite.co.uk – Trans Unite is a UK directory of support groups for gender-variant people.
Book Reviews
Book Reviews – Dee Longhurst – Volume 11 Issue 3 Summer 2021 The Transactional Analyst