Policies Advice & Guidelines
Policies, procedures and advice relevant to
all individual members
Policies, procedures, advice and guidance relevant to members qualified at diploma level and above
Policies, procedures and advice relevant to
individual members in full time training
Policies, procedures, advice and guidance relevant to Registered Training Establishments and Training Members
UKATA Registered Training Establishment Membership Policy 2020
UKATA Code of Practice for Psychotherapy Trainers and Registered Training Establishments 2020
UKATA TASC Monitoring of Registered Training Establishments 2020
UKATA Registered Training Establishment’s Monitoring Appeals Procedures 2019
UKATA Regional Training Establishment Voluntary Placement Policy 2024
UKATA’s Corporate Policy and Procedures
UKATA Constitution
The United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) is established in the United Kingdom as a limited company, a charity and as a membership organisation established for those with an interest in Transactional Analysis and Transactional Analysis training. UKATA is affiliated to the European Association of Transactional Analysis for the organisation and accreditation of exams leading to the internationally recognised Certified Transactional Analyst qualification and the further professional development of those seeking to train and supervise other transactional analysis students and trainees in development.
Transactional Analysis is practiced in four distinct fields in the world with standards of training and qualification in having international equivalence so that those who have gained the status of Certified Transactional Analyst in any other country would have their qualification recognised by UKATA. In order to use TA to practice in some professions other qualifications or accreditations might be needed in different countries.
One of UKATA’s roles for its UK based members practicing in the psychotherapy field is to provide routes to qualification recognised by UK accrediting bodies such as the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy. You will find details of policy and advice below that refer specifically to UKATA’s additional role as an organisational member of UKCP.
The UKATA Constitution sets the rules by which we are governed.
Our UKATA Certificate of Incorporation is accessible here
Further information about UKATA is available on the Companies House Website and the Charity Commission Website.
UKATA Conflict of Interest Policy
In line with many other organisations UKATA operates a conflict of interest policy that covers all volunteers working for UKATA. The Charity Commission and Companies House recommend a policy for avoiding conflicts of interest and UKATA operates a policy and scheme to register potential conflicts of interest.
UKATA Conflict of Interest Policy 2019
UKATA Conflict of Interest Declaration Page 1
UKATA Conflict of Interest Declaration Page 2
Complaints against UKATA
If you have a complaint suggestion or feedback for UKATA you can submit it via or feedback form which you’ll find under the get in touch tab above. UKATA’s policy and procedure for handling complaints can be found here.
UKATA Privacy Policy
Lone Working
UKATA Lone Working Policy 2020
UKATA Lone Working Policy (HSE attachment)
Inclusivity and Safeguarding
UKATA Diversity and Social Responsibility Policy
UKATA Adults Safeguarding Guidelines 2020
Ethics and Professional Practice Guidelines
UKATA’s guidance on ethical and professional practice is contained in two documents. The UKATA code of ethics and professional practice and the UKATA procedures for handling ethical complaints.
The Code is intended to guide and inform both organisations and individual members of UKATA in the ethical practice of Transactional Analysis. The Code is relevant to all members of UKATA who use Transactional Analysis as a model for understanding and change with individuals, couples, groups or organisations and extends to the roles of supervisor and trainer. The Code articulates the ethical principles needed to underlie ethical behaviour, and highlights the practitioner’s responsibilities towards self and others in exercising their practice. IN terms of practicing ethically the Code should be adhered to along with other policy and advice for instance on dual relationships and advertising.
In case of a violation of ethical practice, guidance can be found in the Code and in the Complaint Procedure below.
UKATA Code of Ethics & Professional Practice. The code of ethics which all UKATA members abide by.
UKATA Code of Ethics & Professional Practice
UKATA Procedures for Handling Ethics Complaints. The procedure for making a complaint and the processes by which it will be handled.
UKATA Procedures for Handling Ethical Concerns and Complaints
EATA Ethical Code. The UKATA Code is informed by the guidance offered by the EATA Ethical Code.