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This Policy needs to be read in conjunction with the Membership policy and the CPD policy

1. Principles

2. Registration of Individual Practitioners

3. Professional Practice Committee

4. Registration of Training Establishments

5. Training and Accreditation Standards Committee

6. Administration

7. The Registration Officer and Committee

8. De-registration, Re-registration and appeals

1. Principles

1.1 Protection of the public by listing Practitioners and Registered Training Establishments (RTEs) who demonstrate meeting the required standards.

1.2 Protection of the UKATA by addressing the legal issues and future risks to which the UKATA may be exposed.

1.3 Develop an integration of the codes of EATA, UKCP and the UKATA, in order to provide a coherent framework for Practitioners and TEs to work within.

2. Registration of Individual Practitioners

2.1 The register is in four parts:

2.1.1 Contractual Trainees:

Entered as: Trainee Transactional Analyst withPsychotherapy/Counselling/Organisational/Educational speciality. UKATA Registered.


Valid Contract with EATA

No outstanding complaint sanctions

Paid up membership

Annual form signed by Principal Supervisor

2.1.2 RTE or UKATA Diploma Qualified Members:

Entered as: Diploma Qualified Member. UKATA Registered.


Completion of Annual CPD form

No outstanding complaint sanctions

Paid up membership

2.1.3 CTAs:

Entered as: Certified Transactional Analyst with Psychotherapy/Counselling/Organisational/Educational speciality. UKATA Registered.


Completion of Annual CPD form

No outstanding complaint sanctions

Paid up membership

2.1.4 Trainers/Supervisors:

Entered as: Either Provisional Teaching and/or Supervising Transactional Analyst with psychotherapy/Counselling/Organisational/Educational speciality. UKATA Registered.

or Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) Trainer with Psychotherapy/Counselling/Organisational/Educational speciality. UKATA Registered.

or Teaching and/or Supervising Transactional Analyst with Psychotherapy/Counselling/Organisational/Educational speciality. UKATA Registered.


Completion of Annual CPD form

No outstanding complaint sanctions

Paid up membership

Additionally, in the case of Provisional status, valid contract with EATA and annual form signed by Principal Supervisor.

2.2 Administration of the Register of Individual Practitioners involves the following:

2.2.1 Upon receipt of the above requirements, the name of the practitioner will be entered on the UKATA website under Practitioner Register. The only qualification entered will be as above. Changes of status (e.g. contractual trainee becoming a CTA) will usually be entered automatically by the UKATA Administrator. Change of name must be notified. In cases where individuals are known by more than one name, Deed Poll or appropriate evidence of name change must be forwarded to the UKATA Administrator.

2.2.2 The UKATA Administrator will, on request, issue an annual Practitioner Registration Certificate. This certificate is not a qualification and should not be considered as such (see below 2.2.3). It may be displayed as evidence of registration with the UKATA. The certificate remains the legal property of the UKATA and must be returned if requested by the UKATA Chair.

2.2.3 Practitioners are advised to use the term UKATA Registered on letterheads, business cards and adverts, and to display the Registration Certificates, if requested, in a prominent position. The term UKATA Registered MUST NOT be used on its own. It must follow the exact usage as described under the ‘Entered as’ section 2.1 above. This means that the membership status must precede the ‘UKATA Registered’ label.

2.2.4 Usage of the term ‘UKATA Registered’ is not a requirement – it is intended as an extra layer of protection, informing the public and other members alike, that the practitioner is a professional member of the UKATA and is subject to its codes and procedures.

2.2.5 Student and Subscriber only members are prohibited from entry in the Register. They cannot use the term ‘UKATA Registered’ until they become contractual trainees with EATA and abide by the conditions in that category.

2.2.6 All practitioners defined in 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are automatically eligible to be placed on the register unless debarred in terms of section 8. Listing will be automatic in both the published list and on the web site, subject only to the provision of information listed in paragraphs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4. Listing of contact details (e.g. home address, telephone numbers etc) is optional.

3. The Ethical and Professional Practice Committee

3.1 The Ethical and Professional Practice Committee (EPPC) oversees the Practitioner Register. In the event that a registered member does not comply with the UKATA Code of Ethics and the Requirements and Recommendations for Professional Practice, the EPPC Chair has the authority to convene a Registration Committee meeting. The Registration Committee may suspend the member from the register, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Temporary suspension is automatic in these cases. This action does not affect the membership status. Suspension of a member from the register on a permanent basis requires Council ratification.

3.2 Should the EPPC consider that there may be a breach of the ethics code, they may treat the issue as an ethical complaint. The EPPC procedures include the possibility of a Hearing Board, and the possible sanction of terminating the UKATA membership of the individual practitioner.

4. Registration of Training Establishments

4.1 A Registered Training Establishment is defined as one or more trainers offering training to CTA level. The term ‘registered training establishment’ shall include all staff, voluntary or paid, that form a part of the organisation – this includes administrative staff, cleaning staff etc, as well as the building in which the training takes place. The registered training establishment is responsible for ensuring that the TA course is delivered in a safe, respectful manner in keeping with the values and principles enshrined in the Code of Ethics and the Requirements and Recommendations for Professional Practice of the UKATA, and in respect of psychotherapy training establishments, the TASC Code of Practice for Psychotherapy Trainers and Training Establishments and for RTEs offering courses leading to UKCP registration the relevant codes of the HIP College and of the UKCP.

4.2 When registering with the UKATA, a registered training establishment shall appoint a designated person, who is empowered by the RTE to represent it with the UKATA, and shall be known as the UKATA Representative (UKATAR) of the RTE. This person shall be responsible for returning annual forms, communicating with the UKATA and representing the RTE at the annual RTEs meeting, held in February, and in the event of a complaint being made about the RTE to the UKATA. Any new RTE that registers with the UKATA will be monitored on receipt of their application to TASC.

4.3 The UKATAR may be the owner, director or other person in the organisation who holds authority for policy decisions. It cannot be the administrator if that is their sole function. The UKATAR must be a member of the UKATA.

4.4 The UKATAR shall ensure that:

4.4.1 Appropriate vetting of staff takes place. This includes both paid and unpaid staff.

4.4.2 Confidentiality is maintained and records are stored securely.

4.4.3 The building is safe.

4.4.4 There is appropriate insurance.

4.4.5 In the case of Psychotherapy training courses leading to UKCP registration, the RTE agrees to meet OMR and other conditions imposed by the HIP College and the UKCP. This includes the appointment of an external examiner for the training programme.

4.4.6 All fees owed to the UKATA are paid.

4.4.7 Trainees in the Foundation year become student members of the UKATA and trainees in subsequent years are student or advanced student (either Contractual Trainee, TA Practitioner, RTE Diploma or UKATA TA Diploma) members. The names of all trainees on training programmes are submitted to the UKATA by the training establishment annually with their UKATA Registration renewal. On confirmation of training programme and membership, the UKATA will issue trainees with proof of membership.

4.4.8 The RTE has a contingency plan in place that would protect trainees and their training should training no longer be possible at the RTE.

4.5 RTEs need to fill in an annual return form. Once the renewal has been confirmed by the Chair of TASC, the UKATAR will then receive an annual RTE Registration certificate and the use of the UKATA Registered logo. The logo can be used on letterheads, business cards etc. and on adverts placed in the UKATA News.

4.6 Only Registered TEs are authorised to use this logo. This will enable a clear distinction to be made in adverts between RTEs that are UKATA Registered and those which are not.

4.7 The UKATA Registered TE certificate remains the legal property of the UKATA and must be returned if requested by the UKATA Chair.

4.8 As with Corporate Membership, the RTEs receive a free listing on the UKATA website in return for reciprocal listing of the UKATA website on their site.

5. Training and Accreditation Standards Committee

5.1 The TASC oversees the RTE Register. In the event that a RTE does not comply with TASC codes or procedures, the TASC Chair has the authority to convene a Registration Committee meeting (see 7.). The registration committee may decide to suspend the RTE from the register, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Temporary suspension is automatic in cases where one or more of the requirements listed in section 4.4 are not met. De-registration does not prevent the TE from offering training in TA. It does mean however, that the UKATA does not give it its seal of approval. Removal of a TE from the register on a permanent basis requires Council ratification.

5.2 Should TASC consider that there may be a breach of the Code of Ethics and the Requirements and Recommendations for Professional Practice, the Chair of TASC will refer the matter to the EPPC as a complaint, if in respect of a member of the UKATA or the UKCP in respect of a qualified and UKCP registered. The EPPC and the UKCP has its own procedures and sanctions. The EPPC / UKCP includes the possibility of it taking action against individual UKATA members. The Ethics procedure includes the possibility of a Hearing Board, and the possible sanction of terminating the UKATA membership of individuals within a RTE. In the event that the alleged breach is by an UKATA non-member, the UKATAR is responsible for ensuring that such breach is rectified and not repeated; failure to do so may result in the suspension of registration of the TE, and this failure in itself may be the subject of an ethics complaint against the UKATAR by TASC.

6. Administration

6.1 The UKATA Administrator is responsible for receiving and checking registration forms and associated information. The UKATA Administrator will send the renewal forms on to the Chair of TASC for checking. Once the Chair of has confirmed the renewal forms are complete the UKATA Administrator will issue Registration certificates and maintain an up-to-date register for individual practitioners and RTEs. In cases of doubt, the UKATA Administrator shall refer registration application to the Chair of TASC or UKATA council for guidance.

6.2 The UKATA Administrator must be kept informed of all changes that may affect registration e.g. name changes, change of status, breaks in practice.

6.3 Should a practitioner stop practicing or should an RTE stop trading, the UKATA Administrator must be informed, so that the party can be removed from the relevant register.

6.4 Queries about registration should in the first instance be addressed to the UKATA Administrator. The Administrator may then recommend that the issue be referred to the appropriate committee.

7. The Registration Officer and Committee

7.1 Council will nominate a Registration Officer (RO). In the event that the Registration Officer cannot perform that function, the UKATA Chair will nominate one of the Principal Officers to act as Registration Officer.

7.2 The Registration Officer will organise meetings of the Registration Committee at the request of the EPPC Chair or the Chair of TASC. The Registration Officer can also convene a meeting in the case of a re-registration.

7.3 The Registration Officer will chair the meeting and will communicate the findings to the Practitioner or RTE. The RO will inform the UKATA Administrator of any required action.

7.4 The Registration Committee will consist of the Chairs of TASC (or appointee) and EPPC (or appointee) and one Principal Officer, together with the RO. The RO is non-voting and will only chair and provide procedural and legal advice. The meetings will be minuted.

7.5 The Appeals hearing of the registration board will consist of the Chair of UKATA (or appointee), the UKATA External Moderator and one non-UKATA personnel. The Registration Officer will be informed of the decision which is final. The Registration Officer will inform the member of the results of the appeal.

8. De-registration, Re-registration and appeals

8.1 De-registration of a practitioner or RTE can only occur following a meeting of the Registration Committee. The committee will convene at the request of either the Chair of EPPC or the Chair of TASC. The meeting will be organised by the Registration Officer. The Chair calling for the meeting will present evidence to the committee. The committee will consider whether there has been a breach of codes or procedures or unwillingness to comply with investigations. If de-registration is deemed appropriate, the de-registration will at first be temporary. Temporary suspension from the register will take place with immediate effect. The temporarily suspended practitioner or RTE shall be required to return the certificate of registration, if held. The individual or RTE will be given a period of 28 days during which they can apply for reregistration or lodge an appeal. De-registration will not be publicised since it is considered an administrative function. Permanent de-registration requires ratification by Council. The name of the individual or RTE will be removed from the relevant register and the use of the term ‘UKATA Registered’ will be prohibited as will the use of the UKATA logo.

8.2 To re-register, the practitioner or TE needs to apply to the Administrator, in the case of individuals, and the Chair of TASC in the case of a training establishment. The Registration Officer will call a meeting of the Registration Committee and present the case for re-registration. The Registration Committee can request additional information and decline or accept the request for re-registration. This decision is subject to appeal within 28 days of the decision being notified. 8.3 In the event of an appeal against the de-registration of a practitioner or TE, or if a request for reregistration has been declined, an appeal can be lodged with the UKATA Chair. The UKATA Chair will then convene an appeals hearing of the Registration Board. The appeals hearing board will consider written evidence from the person making the appeal, as well as from the registration committee. The appeals board may re-instate the de-registered party, with or without conditions or confirm their de-registration. The findings of this appeals hearing will be final.

United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis, Unit 4 Spring Garden Lane Crowborough East Sussex TN6 2QN Tel: 01892 664615 Email:

Updated April 2017 Ratified by the UKATA Council July 2017 Reviewed January 2020 Ratified by Council April 2020 Review date April 2022


General Enquiries -


UKATA Office
UK Association for Transactional Analysis
483 Green Lanes,
N13 4BS

Membership Enquiries -

Tel: 07769 256020

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