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UKATA Transactional Analysis Training Handbook

UKATA Transactional Analysis Training Handbook

Training Handbooks

Training in Transactional Analysis is available in four fields of specialisation. Organisational, Educational, Counselling and Psychotherapy. The standards and procedures for examination and qualifications are described and standardised in Training Handbooks. 

Training Handbooks are publishes and updated by EATA, the European Association for transactional Analysis. UKATA refers to the handbook of EATA for standards and procedures regarding:

  • The TA 101 certificate

  • Ethics

  • Status of Training

  • Preparing for the CTA – roles and responsibilities of the Contractual Trainee

  • CTA exam – regulations about the Written and Oral exam

  • Preparation for further training as P/TSTA

  • The TSTA exam procedures

The full EATA training handbook for all specialisms of TA is found on the EATA website here. You may wish to check recent changes to some of the procedures for exams which are sent out in the PTSC Telegrams before they end up in the handbook. PTSC Telegrams are found here.

Please note for training in Psychotherapy, procedures and requirements to acquire the CTA in the UK deviate from the EATA ones if candidates wish to register with UKCP. It is vital that you follow the processes outlined in the UKATA Training Handbook below as they combine the requirements of both EATA and UKCP.

Practitioners in fields other than psychotherapy should use the EATA forms and documentation.

For anyone submitting a written exam or booking an oral exam, keep up to date with the bulletins from the UKATA Exam Committee. They contain important updates on the Training Handbook.

UKATA Transactional Analysis Training Handbook


A. Content and Structure of this Handbook - Contents list of the UKATA Transactional Analysis Training Handbook.

B. Training Flowchart - Flowchart to take you to CTA.

C. EATA / UKCP Requirements Comparison Chart A comparison of EATA and UKCP requirements.

D. Explanation of Terms Used - A glossary of all the acronyms.

E. Fees and How to Pay - Details about how to pay your exam fees.

EATA and UKATA Exam Procedure

1.0 Introduction - The introduction is the same as the EATA handbook here under Section 1.

2.0 The Four Fields of Specialisation - EATA definitions of the four fields are detailed here under Section 2.

3.0 Status of Training 

4.0 EATA Training Contracts - EATA Training contracts can be found here. Look under Section 4.

4.1 CTA Contract

5.0 Ethics and Professional Practice - Refers to the EATA codes of practice are provided here under Section 5. 

6.0 TA-101 Introductory Course - Refers to the TA101 EATA procedures found here under Section 6.

7.0 CTA Written Exam Regulations and Timetable

7.1 CTA (C, O & E)Written examinations regulations and timetable.

7.2 CTA (P) - Written examinations regulations and timetable. This is the UKATA version of the regulations, which account for national requirements. Adapted from the EATA handbook – EATA available here.

8.0 The CTA Written Exam Content

8.1 CTA (C, O & E) EATA available here

8.2 CTA (P) Written Examination Content Revised November 2020.

9.0 The CTA (P, C, O & E) Oral Examination - Details of the oral exam are available at the EATA website here.

UKCP requirements

Contain specifics of the requirement for registration as  UKCP Psychotherapist in UK.

10.1 UKCP Guidelines for Mental Health Familiarisation 2017 - Requirements of the Mental Health Placement needed prior to taking the oral exam.

10.2 UKCP Standards of Education and Training 2017

10.2 Training Standards and Learning Outcomes of the HIPC - UKCP requirements for your training.

10.3 Completion Certificate for UKCP Requirements - Completion certificate for the oral exam. Don’t forget to take this to your oral exam (signed by your supervisor).

UKATA Codes of Practice

11.0 All updated UKATA Codes of practice for candidates, individuals and training establishment can be found here.


12.1 Principal Supervisor Endorsement of Written Exam Form - Must be supplied when submitting the written exam.

12.2 Candidate Submission of the Written Examination - Must be supplied when submitting the written exam.

12.3 Acknowledgement of Items Received for CTA-P Written Examination - The form you will receive from the CTA Exam coordinator.

12.4 Letter to the Evaluator of the CTA Written Examination - The letter your marker receives.

12.5 Rating Scale for Written Exam - The UKATA marking scale for written the written exam.

12.6 Postgraduate Scoring Scale - The postgraduate marking scale (required by UKCP).

12.7 Letter Sent with Evaluation of CTA-P Written Examination - Letter you will receive once your exam has been marked.

12.8 Written exam candidate feedback sheet - Your opportunity to provide feedback on the marking.

12.9 Application to Appeal Written Examination Form - Appeal process in the event of deferral.

12.10 External Examiner Report Form - The external examiner moderates UKATA exams. These are the criteria on which we are assessed.

12.11 CTA Written Exam Feedback - Form used by markers to provide feedback.

12.12 Letter to examiners re candidate with dyslexia - Additional information to examiners if you have a diagnosis of dyslexia.

12.15 Candidates Declaration of No Plagiarism 

12.17 Procedure for Electronic Submission April 2017


General Enquiries -


UKATA Office
UK Association for Transactional Analysis
483 Green Lanes,
N13 4BS

Membership Enquiries -

Tel: 07769 256020

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