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Sunday Workshops

Sunday Workshops

Workshop Session 4: 09.30 – 12.20  
(choose 1 workshop from 8 available)


   1. Multicultural Considerations in Psychotherapy Training

Elvin Aydin Keles: PTSTA


Facilitating any psychotherapy training group is essentially a multicultural endeavor. This is not only the result of actual cultural differences but also the various intersubjectivities trainees bring into the situation. In this workshop, we will explore various approaches as to how to establish a common language in psychotherapy training groups.  


Workshop outcomes:

  • A critical shift in terms of internal and external contact when leading or participating at a training group,

  • Finding their voice easier in groups,

  • Being more mindful of the procedural relating patterns in terms of one's own learning script,

  • Developing a new appreciation for how the language is being processed intersubjectively.




Elvin has a theory-oriented MA and PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies alongside of her process-oriented psychotherapy training in Transactional Analysis. Upon moving to America, Elvin also became a Licensed Professional Counselor by getting her masters in clinical mental health counseling which expanded her understanding of the profession and theoretical applications greatly.


She is an international trainer and supervisor in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (PTSTA-P) and currently holds a fully online globally oriented private practice as a therapist and supervisor. Elvin also runs a fully online psychotherapy training program delivered fully in Turkish.                                                                  

Level of prior experience required:​ None             

Focus: Education and Training; Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical; Organisational

Style: Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work



   2. How to work with ADHD clients in the TA world

Nea Clark: PTSTA


The workshop is designed to develop an understanding of how to work with ADHD clients.
We are planning to go beyond the definition, recognition of ADHD. We would like to understand what to do and how to guide an ADHD client. We will look at case studies to imagine the client's experience.


Explore together what kind of questions we might ask, the information we need from them. We would like to have insights to the kind of challenges might occur during this type of work. We aim to create structure, understanding and develop confidence.

Workshop outcomes: 

Aiming to gain understanding how to practically work with ADHD clients. Develop a methodology and treatment direction working ADHD clients.


Nea is a PTSTA-Psychotherapist, Supervisor and NLP practitioner and ADHD coach. She is practicing in Leeds holding supervision groups face to face and online, webinars and seminars on a regular basis.

She is specialising in Neurodiversity working with clients and supervisees with ADHD and Dyslexia.

Level of prior experience required: None

Focus: Psychotherapy and Clinical

Style: Didactic Teaching; Experiential Work


   3. Who Am I, Who Have I Been, and Who am I Becoming?

Weaving the threads of our stories to discover our purpose


Barbara Clarkson: TSTA / TTA / STA;CTA


Berne's core concept of "script" invites us to consider how we use Story to shape our lives, as we live out our part of the Great Drama, the universal battle between light and shadow. In this workshop we will explore ideas from creative writing and memoir, such as the story arc and the five act drama, alongside ideas about the role of spirituality in pesonal growth and psychotherapy. We will consider how script can be a gift rather than a burden, and how our soul can find it's true purpose in the story of our becoming.

Workshop outcomes: 

​To develop language to discuss complex themes such as spirituality, compassion and interconnectedness witin a TA psychotherapeutic context. To experience a new level of compassionate contact with some aspect of personal process. To develop strategies that may be interwoven into the therapeutic framework we offer our clients.


As a TA psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, Barbara has developed specialist interests in the role of spirituality in psychotherapy, supervision and training, and in the power of writing in healing and integration of the psyche. She is currently pursuing her own journey through memoir and the integration of a compassionate awareness of interconnection into all aspects of her practice.


Level of prior experience required: Advanced Level - Towards CTA and beyond

Focus: Psychotherapy and Clinical

Style: Didactic Teaching; Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work; Experiential Work

   4. An UKATA Cultural Parent

Etiquette, Technicality and Character


Jayakara Beverley Ellis: TSTA / TTA / STA


Come along for an engaging session exploring and discovering our UKATA Cultural Parent(s).  How do our own Cultural Parents sit alongside the UKATA's Cultural Parents?  Can we separate our own Cultural Parents from UKATA's Cultural Parents? 

In this workshop we will explore UKATA Cultural Parents, drawing on Drego's ideas (1983) and look at whose ideas are privileged and oppressed.   Do the UKATA's Cultural Parents account for power, diversity and difference?  Do they allow for replenishment, new growth or just depletion? 
All are welcomed, those who have been in UKATA for 50 years or for only a day.


Workshop outcomes: 

This is an invitation to question how the Cultural Parent is created, who has the most influence in the different aspects of its composition?  To take this learning and awareness into our practice and teaching in an 'I'm ok, you're ok' manner. 


Jayakara (She/her) is interested in helping people find themselves and letting go of the ways they are psychologically oppressed. 

Jayakara is an ordained Buddhist and uses her Buddhist name by which she chooses to be addressed.  She integrates aspects of mindfulness and compassion into her practice.  She is also part of the Leadership and Advisory Team of the Black African and Asian Therapist Network (BAATN).

Jayakara trained at Metanoia, has a private clinical and supervision practice in East London and currently teaches at TA East. 

MSc Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, STA, PTTA, Diploma in Supervision.  UKCP registered. 

Level of prior experience required: ​None

Focus: Education and Training; Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical; Organisational  


Style: Didactic Teaching;Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work



   5. The Janus Moment

Grounding in the Present to Embrace Past and Future


Michael Gavin: Other Professional Status


Janus, god of gateways and transitions, older than and senior to the Olympians, stands in the present moment, a still point amidst change, looking forward, looking back.

In this interactive workshop, informed by 40 years involvement with TA in the UK, with Body Psychotherapy, Jung's Analytical Psychology, Qigong and Advaita Vedanta, and contemporary neuroscientific approaches to trauma,


I will draw on embodied Eastern wisdom, and contemporary neuroscience and psychology, to explore how we can be sufficiently rooted in the present to make the best use of the past and the future, whilst avoiding the pitfalls they present.


Workshop outcomes:

  • Encounter the ancient god Janus as an archetype of the present in relation to past and future.

  • Explore neuroscience and somatics of ‚"being present‚" with insights from Daoism and Vedanta philosophy

  • Experience 7 specific cumulative practises for establishing, sustaining, and regaining a sense of presence.

  • Review some key TA concepts in the context of past, present and future: e.g. Ego states, accounting and discounting, decision and redecision, contamination and decontamination


Encounter 2 original formulations and their application:

Spectrum of experience: unbearable, unimaginable, unthinkable, unspeakable, ...
Four phases of pulsation: free pulsation, blocked pulsation, frozen pulsation, shattered or fragmented pulsation

Experiment with techniques to use presence to gather resources from past experience or an imagined future, and to use the power of presence to reframe past assumptions and future expectations

Endure anecdotes from 40 years of engagement with TA, along with speculations about its future



A Regular Member of ITA since 1982, and frequent presenter at ITA and UKATA Conferences, Michael Gavin retired as a Radix Body Psychotherapist, and Somatic Trauma Therapist in 2016. He was External Clinical Supervisor at London Underground's Counselling and Trauma Service (2007-16).

He continues his interest in Jungian psychology, after a 14-year analysis, and more than 30 years involvement with the Champernowne Trust, of which he is currently a Trustee.

He now offers individual mentoring sessions, and trainings integrating contemporary psychotherapy with eastern energy approaches (Qigong and Advaita Vedanta).

Level of prior experience required: ​Any & all

Focus: Education and Training; Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical; Organisational

Style: Didactic Teaching; Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work; Experiential Work  


   6. Don't lose heart!

How to maintain resilience in a rapidly changing world


Neil Keenan: PTSTA


An exploration of the ways people respond in the face of adversity. Where some falter and lose a sense of meaning and purpose, others hold on to hope, remain joyful, and even flourish under challenge. Practitioners across all fields of TA are intimately familiar with the extreme difficulties clients are coping with in a world that has become increasingly unstable in recent years. This workshop draws on historical examples of survivors of tribulation to discover just what might provide the kind of strength we need to maintain our joy and hope, and to share that with those we work with.

Workshop outcomes: 

To identify the relationship between the significant sociocultural shifts that emerged in the Western World following WWII and the development of transactional analysis and other psychotherapeutic modalities of that era. In turn, to identify how psychotherapy theories reinforced those sociocultural shifts, including the greatly increased emphasis on the needs of the individual.


To invite attendees to consider how transactional analysis might have developed differently had it originated in another cultural milieu, e.g. in India or Japan. For attendees to understand the relationship between the increased focus on satisfying the needs of the individual and the difficulties many face in remaining resilient when faced with challenging life circumstances.



Neil is a psychotherapist specialising in working with neurodivergent clients and has written for the TAJ on this subject. In addition to his clinical work as a psychotherapist, he is the Training Director and teachers at The Wyvern Institute RTE in Bristol. Neil identifies prominent attributes of dyspraxia in his thinking, and he spent many years working in Eastern Europe and Central Asia prior to becoming a transactional analyst. His experiences inform his thinking on societal and neurological diversity, and focus his attention on what we in the West can learn from other cultures.

Level of prior experience required:​ None

Focus: Education and Training; Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical; Organisational    


Style: Didactic Teaching; Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work; Experiential Work

   7. Existential threat, existential fight and existential rage    

Physis VS trauma


Hanna Konoplianyk: PTSTA;CTA

We have all come to understand that an existential threat can trigger trauma. Indeed, when discussing the psychological repercussions of events like war, most psychotherapists typically think of trauma. However, is it possible that there is an alternative perspective beyond trauma, or even post-traumatic growth? Could it be that our response to an existential threat is more intricately linked to physis, our values, and the meaning we attribute to life?


Workshop outcomes: 


Summarise information on trauma and post-traumatic growth, and explore fresh viewpoints regarding how trauma affects individuals' mental well-being and internal framework.


Hanna Konoplianyk is a PTSTA who was born and raised in a multicultural family in Ukraine. She started her psychotherapy practice after moving to Leeds 9 years ago. Her professional focus centers on assisting immigrants, refugees, and multicultural families, with a particular emphasis on online therapy. In light of the war in Ukraine, Hanna has dedicated significant time to contemplate its effects on both society and individuals' internal lives.

Level of prior experience required: Developing Level - Middle Years of Training

Focus: Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical      


Style: Didactic Teaching; Discussion and Small Group and Pairs work 

 8.  The Genius of Classical Transactional Analysis 

An Existential-Relational Synthesis


Alastair Moodie: TSTA / TTA / STA


I intend to weave together many of the core concepts of TA to demonstrate a coherent and accessible method of understanding ourselves according to our lived experience. There is a depth and breadth to these concepts that can be overlooked and unappreciated.  For example, the tools for analysing transactions help us to uncover relational dynamics and the phenomenon of transference in a way that is readily accessible.


The concepts of life positions and games, properly applied, can be liberating for those caught in self-defeating patterns. The workshop aims to demonstrate TA as a truly humanistic and integrative psychotherapy.


Workshop outcomes: 


1 Gain a creative synthesis of core TA concepts.
2 Appreciate the depth of the individual concepts when they are integrated as a coherent system.
3 Understand afresh the existential and relational applications of these core concepts.
4 Experience new insights into familiar concepts.


Alastair Moodie was introduced to Transactional Analysis more than 45 years ago and used it in his pastoral counselling work as a chaplain in prisons and hospitals.  For the past 25 years he has worked as a certified TA psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer. He is a former chair of the ITA (now UKATA). Now living in rural Argyll he is very engaged in environmental concerns and is a volunteer in his local community woodland.

Level of prior experience required: Both developing and advanced levels

Focus: Education and Training; Counselling and Coaching; Psychotherapy and Clinical; Organisational    


Style: Didactic Teaching; Experiential Work

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