Dwight Turner Book Signing & Celebration at TA East 5 – 7pm, Saturday 13 April 2024
Sat, 13 Apr

Time & Location
13 Apr 2024, 17:00 – 19:00
London, 2A Ruckholt Rd., London E10 5NP, UK
About the event
Event price: Free
Booking details: Email: TAEastLondon@gmail.com to book your place for this event.
TA East is delighted to welcome Dwight Turner to TA East 5-7pm on Saturday 13th April to meet with TA East and the wider community for an informal interview with Victoria and question time, followed with a celebration of and signing of Dwight’s most recent book: The Psychology of Supremacy.
Dwight's Biography: Dr Dwight Turner is Course Leader on the Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Course at the University of Brighton, a PhD Supervisor at their Doctoral College, a psychotherapist, and supervisor in private practice. His publications include The Psychology of Supremacy (2023), and Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2021), which are both published by Routledge, together with several chapters in anthologies on aspects of counselling and psychotherapy, and over 50 academic papers on everything from intersectionality in psychotherapy, to dreamwork, to Afrocentric spirituality.
A leading driver in Intersectional Psychotherapy, Dr Turner is an experienced conference speaker, including numerous keynote presentations. Dr Turner has also run workshops for a wide variety of Universities, Charities, and private organisations on issues of race, difference and intersectionality in counselling and psychotherapy. Dr Turner can be contacted via his website: www.dwightturnercounselling.co.uk and can be followed on social media on LinkedIn, Threads, or on Twitter at: @dturner300.
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