Time & Location
14 Sept 2024, 09:30 – 15 Sept 2024, 16:30
Leeds, Otley Rd, Leeds LS16 8AG, UK
About the event
Event price: £199
Booking details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/880231635517?aff=oddtdtcreator
14 & 15 September 2024, North West Leeds The TA101 is an internationally recognised course and the first stage of training in transactional analysis.
Its all about learning more about yourself and others and is perfect for understand how you behave in certain situations and why.
Tools used on the course can be used in your personal life, at work, socially and as the beginning of changing career.
Course content
Discover the theories of Transactional Analysis; a psychological model of personality and communication developed by Eric Berne for understanding how humans develop, behave, communicate and interact with each other. Once you understand how you behave in certain situations and why, you can then make your interactions with others more pleasant and effective.
We cover the answers to common psychological questions, such as: -
- “Why do I act like my mum or dad? Or “Why do I feel like a little kid again?” (Ego states)
- “Do I sense the car crash coming in this conversation?” (Psychological games)
- “Why do I keep on making the same mistakes?” (Life scripts)
- “What is going on in this conversation?” (Transactions)
Learning outcomes:
During the course you will:
- Develop your understanding of communication and refine your skills
- Learn more about the connection between personality, thoughts, behaviours and feelings
- Gain insight about yourself and why you act the way you do
- Learn more about how your experiences affect your decision-making
For more about the course - see our website https://www.northsidetraining.co.uk/ta101
In addition, if you are already working or training as a therapist, TA is a great tool to add to your professional skills.