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Bird's Eye View Meeting Table


The UKATA Annual General Meeting 2024 is scheduled to take place online, and will be hosted via Zoom on Tuesday 4 June 2024, commencing at 19.00.

The AGM gives the opportunity for Council to provide information about the activities we have been engaged with on your behalf over the past year.  


The AGM also provides an opportunity for members to give a vote of thanks to Council.  Please offer your support to us by attending the AGM; all current Council members look forward to seeing you there.   

Nominations to join UKATA Council as a Trustee

We are encouraging members to join UKATA Council. As a member of the UKATA Council you will be registered at Companies House as a Director of UKATA.


There will be paperwork to complete for Companies House and the Charities Commission upon election to Council. There may be additional forms to complete during your terms and these will be forwarded as and when needed.

You must complete a Conflict of Interest form every 2 years, which is held on file with a copy going to the UKATA Chair.

Council members are expected to meet three or four times a year to consider strategic matters including the budget, financial matters, the business plan, operational priorities, new policies and significant changes to existing ones, and other important issues as they arise. The Trustees set the dates for their scheduled meetings after each AGM. Trustees also have a face to face strategic meeting each year, usually in February. Trustees also sit on the Interim Management Board, with the Chairs of the main committees as an interim arrangement whilst the new governance structure is being put into place. The Interim Management Board meets once every month, currently on the third Wednesday of the month. between 6.45pm – 8.30pm. Your input is welcomed and encouraged, along with your attentive listening. From this process you will be able to vote from an informed opinion. The exception to this is if you have declared a conflict of interest at the time. Prior to the meeting the office circulates the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, minutes of committee meetings and any reports. In the event of a possible conflict of interest from arising from agendas and meetings, please raise the issue with the UKATA Chair. This may result in you recusing yourself from certain discussions and voting. The production and publication on this website of minutes is the responsibility of the office. You are required to attend the AGM, and a meeting on the Sunday lunch time following the AGM (when we resume meeting in person for the AGM). Expenses are paid for attendance at these meetings, which involve at least one overnight stay per meeting. As a member of the UKATA Council you may attend functions/conferences/events from time to time, this will be on behalf of Council. As a representative of Council you are usually required to introduce yourself to those attending at the opening and be available for contact with UKATA members present. Council matters can be discussed outside of council with UKATA members except where it has been agreed and Minuted that confidentiality on the subject is to be maintained. As a UKATA council member you will receive copies of committee minutes, as the content is the ‘property’ of the committee these cannot be discussed outside of council unless agreement has been made for open discussion. The purpose of this policy is for council members to gather the attitude of a range of UKATA members, it is important that the openness is not used to gain support for a personal view. Once council has reached a decision the information will be available to all members and members of council are bound by the majority decision. Any authorised expenses incurred may be reclaimed.

Please complete and return the following forms below:

Nominations to be made by 31st May 2024.

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