Time & Location
19 Mar 2024, 19:00 – 20:00
Online event
About the event
Event price: Free
Email: TAEastLondon@gmail.com to book your place on this course.
TA East will be facilitating our next open evening online on Tuesday 19th March 2024, 7-8pm
Please come along and find out more about TA East, our professional courses, our values, and commitment to an inclusive community. TA East is a Counselling and Psychotherapy Training Institute based in Leyton E10.
We offer courses in Transactional Analysis leading to professional qualification and accreditation. Transactional Analysis is an integrative model with the humanistic philosophy at its core.
We actively offer an intersectional lens considering social, cultural, political, and historical contexts across all aspects of the curriculum. Many of our students choose to come to TA East to pursue a different path, looking for meaning, belonging and fulfilment. Counselling and Psychotherapy training is a journey of self-discovery as well developing the capacity to truly walk alongside others. Our next Foundation Year begins in October 2023. Ten Friday eves and ten Saturdays a year. Our fees reflect our commitment to inclusivity, and drive to make a level 7 training, leading to UKCP registration as a psychotherapist accessible. Fees can be paid in instalments and bursaries are available from membership organisations.
We are a small organisation wanting to make a difference.
The Open Evening will be held online via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4436287276?pwd=Ym9QVEtUQk1jQkNyTy9xV3hwQXgwdz09
Meeting ID: 443 628 7276
Passcode: 5p0i35hPWq
Please share this information with your colleagues and those that may be interested in training with TA East.
Victoria Baskerville She/Her Please confirm your place at: taeastlondon@gmail.com